MLB March Report: NY Mets

It’s been hard times for the New York Mets’ fans lately. Let’s trace it all the way back to the 2006 season when they had the best team in the National League, won 97 games, then watched their starting pitchers drop like flies to the injury bug and they lost a seven-game heartbreaker to St. Louis in the NLCS. In 2007 they had a big lead in the NL East on Philadelphia and blew it. In 2008 they lost the wild-card race to Milwaukee on the final weekend. Then the bottom really fell out. The last three years have produced sub-.500 records, the Wilpon Family has disgraced the franchise and diminished the financial muscle they should have as a Big Apple and not a lot is expected this year. TheSportsNotebook evaluates the Mets’ ability to get on base, hit for power, starting pitching and relief pitching.