The Lou Holtz Era Of Notre Dame Football Skip to content

The Last Golden Age: The Lou Holtz Years At Notre Dame Copy

Notre Dame football has a glorious tradition and the last great era for the Fighting Irish was during Lou Holtz’s tenure (1986-96) in South Bend. The Last Golden Age is a book that takes its reader deep into the heart of that era. You’ll read about the following…


*An examination of the struggles endured by Holtz’s predecessor, Gerry Faust and the landscape at Notre Dame when Holtz arrived on campus

*Holtz’s hard-luck first year, where it was apparent to observers that he was turning the team around, but having difficulty making it apparent in the won-loss column.

*The breakthrough second season, with decisive victories over Michigan and Alabama, and the Heisman Trophy campaign of Tim Brown. The Irish got back on the national stage before the end of the season showed they still had some work to do.

*Third-Year Magic—Notre Dame’s classic 1988 revenge battle with Miami, the “Catholics vs. Convicts” game of college football lore and the drive to a national championship.

*Eight more strong seasons of consistent national championship contention, major bowl victories and notable players up and down the lineup.

It’s all here—the season-opening battles with Michigan, where each one seemed to be more dramatic than the one that came before it. The heated debate of 1993 over the finish with Florida State. Rocket Ismail’s bid for the Heisman Trophy in 1990 that came up just short. Three years with highly touted Rick Mirer at quarterback, with its many highs and occasional lows. The much-publicized arrival of Ron Powlus that didn’t work out the way anyone hoped. And the triumphs over adversity by Tony Rice and Kevin McDougal.

The Last Golden Age is available on Amazon in both print and electronic formats. Click here to order, start reading and get your college football season underway.